Saturday 31 January 2015

Food for thought

Shariah has given women the right to earn her own income irrespective of anyone providing for her or not. On the same note, Shariah desires for a woman to remain in the confinements of her home and look after the domestic affairs. Also, modesty is an essential part of Deen more so for a woman. Shariah has never made it compulsory upon women to work. If she is a daughter, Shariah has made the father responsible to provide for his daughter. If she is a wife, the husband is made responsible. If she is a mother, the son has to take care of her. If she is a sister, the responsibility is put upon the shoulders of her brother. If she has no immediate relatives, then Shariah has made it that her far relatives must look after her. In a case where she has no relatives at all, the Islamic government has to take this responsibility. Never does Shariah force a woman to go out in the work field and provide for herself, thereby making it easier upon her to maintain her shame and modesty.

AskImam (

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