Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Divorced Daughters ~

Something I came across, that I felt that really needed to be shared, especially for all the parents that think their daughters are a burden even in today's modern times. They would rather throw their daughters into the deep depths of despair than offer them protection.... Food for thought ...

The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘Shall I not advise you on an excellent Sadaqah (charity)? It is what you spend to provide for a daughter who has been sent back to you, and who has no one but you to earn her livelihood.’ (Musnad Ahmed)
‘Has been sent back to you’ means a daughter sent back to her parents after being widowed or divorced by her husband. It may also mean that some other circumstances have necessitated her coming back to her parents. In these cases, all that is spent to meet her requirements is treated as an excellent charity, for it combines several acts of virtue: 1. Charity, 2. Helping a person in difficulty, 3. Strengthening family ties, 4. Loving care for one’s children.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘For anyone helping a distressed person, Allah records 73 grades of forgiveness, one of which shall suffice him for his well-being in all worldly affairs and 72 will raise him spiritually on the Day of Qiyaamah.’
Umme Salamah radhiallahu anha once asked the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam: ‘Shall I gain any reward for what I spend on the sons of Abu Salamah, my previous husband, for they are my sons?’ He replied: ‘Spend on them, you will be rewarded for spending on them.’ (Mishkaat)
It is a praiseworthy act to treat one’s children with loving care even when they are not in need of help. Once, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam embraced his grandsons. The chief of Banu Tameem said: ‘I have 10 children and have never shown affection to any of them.’ The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam looked at him sharply and said: ‘He who does not show mercy, will not be shown mercy.’
Adapted from: Al Jamiat Vol 10.1

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